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Turmeric was originally grown in India, Turmeric has been used for over 5000 years as a cooking spice and is one of the most powerful natural medicine on earths , Turmeric contains a very powerful natural ingredient called circumvent which help to fight chronic inflammation in the body. This has been shown to be one of the most powerful anti- inflammatory found in nature . Many of the health benefits of turmeric came from its ability to help control blood sugar levels. it has been shown to help regrow beta cells in the pancreases and boost insulin sensitivity. This is very helpful for those with high blood sugars, diabetes types 2 or pre – diabetes. Turmeric is perhaps most well  known for helping people to lose weight quickly and effectively by helping to reduce inflammation and improve insulin sensitivity. turmeric can  help you to tap into your own fat reserves for energy and burn off those extra ponds. Taking a daily capsules supplement or sprinkling this over delicious meals can rapidly speed up weight loss. Turmeric has been used for thousands of years in traditional  medicine to strengthen the heart and heal the arteries. Modern studies show that it helps to reduce inflammation in the arteries by unclogging build – up of plaque. This can help blood to flow more freely a round the body and protect the heart and brain. The active ingredient in the turmeric called curcumin has been shown to help treat those suffering with depression . Studies show that  taking a daily supplement of curcumin is as effective as common prescription anti – depressions commonly known as Prozac or fluoxetine. Turmeric is a powerful antioxidant it helps to treat multiple skin conditions. Many people use this as a face mask mixed with a little raw honey to help treat dark circles, fight cancer, psoriasis and reduce areas of redness in the skin. It is often added to many natural skin creams and helps to destroy harmful bacteria on the face. Turmeric creams can also be applied to the skin to help those suffering  with eczema. Studies show that using turmeric cream for 4 weeks reduces skin scaling and itchiness by 30% or more . You can use turmeric as a natural medicine to treat scabies, simply mix a tablespoon of turmeric powder with a few drops of lemon juice to form a smoot paste. Apply this to the effected area for 5 -10 minutes and then wash it off. This can effectively cure scabies in 15 days. Taking turmeric internally may also help to prevent against certain types of cancer. Studies show that actives ingredient curcumin, is able to help fight prostate cancer bowel cancer and pancreatic cancer amongst others. Research shows that taking tetrameric extract help to detoxify the liver and heal it from fatty liver disease. Protecting the liver is vital with age as it is one of the most important organs needed for your health. Those who suffer with chronic kidney disease often have an urge to itch and scratch the skin. Turmeric has been shown to help reduce itchiness when taking alongside black pepper for 4 weeks It’s antioxidants help to improve kidney function and protect these organs. Turmeric is also be used to fight oral bacteria in the mouth. If You whish to grow longer healthier hair then using  turmeric hair musk can help . drink turmeric tea one per day to  help protect the body or 3 – 4 times a day if you are sick.

There Are 19 Health Benefit Of Turmeric Roots.

  1. Reduce Depression
  2. Prevents Gallstones
  3. Protect The Liver
  4. Relieves Flue Symptoms
  5. Reduces Plaque Build Up
  6. Aid Recovery After Stroke
  7. Relieves IBS Symptoms
  8. Protect DNA
  9. Lower High Blood Pressure
  10. Acts As A Natural Painkiller
  11. Prevents Obesity
  12. Improve Skin Health
  13. Parents Certain Cancers
  14. Natural Anti – Inflammatory
  15. Improve Brain Function
  16. Reduces Menopause Symptoms
  17. Benefits HIV sufferers
  18. Anti – Seizure Properties
  19. Prevents Cystic Fibrosis

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