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Wormwood is one of the truly bitter plants – absinthian means ” without sweetness” Wormwood has a strong Toni effect on digestive system, especially on the stomach and gallbladder. It is taken in small doses and sipped, the intensely bitter taste playing an important part in its .  wormwood was one of the main flowerings, wormwood is a wayside plants, native to Europe, it now grows wild in Central Asia and Easter parts of the U.S. it is also cultivated in temperate regions world wide. Wormwood is propagated from seeds in spring or by dividing the roots in autumn. The avail parts are harvested in late Sumer .  German clinical trial in 2007 found that wormwood helped in treating Croon’s disease { an inflammatory bowel disorder}. wormwood prevented the returns of symptoms in 90% of those taking it and reduced the required dosage of powerful steroid drugs taken to control inflammation. The essential oil, are thought to have wide ranging therapeutic effects, including neuroprotective, antidepressant, antibacterial, antifungal, and antimalarial activity. Wormwood is an extremely useful medicine for those with weak and underactive digestion. It increases stomach acid and bile production and therefore improves digestion and the absorption of nutrients., making it helpful for many conditions including anemia. Wormwood also eases gas and bloating. Wormwood is commonly used by herbalists and naturopaths to treat parasitic infections of the gut such as worm infestation, amebic dysentery, and shigella infection. wormwood is also a good insecticide and insect repellent. The anti – inflammatory action of wormwood makes it useful for infections and it  has occasionally been given as an antidepressant. 

There are 11 health benefit of wormwood plant. 

  1. Digestive health
  2. Boost immune system
  3. Anti – inflammatory properties
  4. Promotes liver health
  5. Relieves anxiety
  6. Treats malaria
  7. Improve cognitive function
  8. Promotes menstrual health
  9. Treats insomnia
  10. Reduces pain
  11. Enhances skin health

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